Nikolova lab

Welcome! We are a computational biology group at the Knight Institute and OHSU. Our work spans different aspects of biomedical data science, including machine learning, network biology, integrative multi-scale and multi-modal omics modeling, and high performance computing and distributed memory algorithms.

We currently have a staff scientist opening. See here for more opportunities.


cell state and drug response

We apply and develop new machine learning methods to help guide therapeutic strategies. We are interested in the role cell state plays under perturbations and the interplay of heterogeneity and microenvironment to give rise to resistance mechanisms. Our overarching goal is to help bridge the gap between pre-clinical studies and treatments that are effective in the clinic.

multi-scale and multi-modal integrative modeling

We are interested in integrative approaches that allow us to explore more holistic perspectives of the complex multi-scale and multi-omic landscape of disease. We are passionate about helping establish good practices and community standards for the analysis of emerging technologies.

network inference and network biology

We are interested in studying biological systems from a network biology perspective as an orthogonal and interpretable approach. We’ve led efforts for the development of effective distributed memory HPC algorithms for the computation of various graphical models for network representation.